After a similar Artist-in-Residence in 2022 where OCAD U recent graduates joined EKA’s designers, artists and creatives in exploring analogue+digital+sensorial approaches, we are happy to open a new CALL for participants in 2024: 

Dates: 12-23. August 2024

Let’s explore the Sensory-based design and artistic opportunities that open up when combining the expertise of Digital Weaving Studio, E-textiles Lab, Digital Prototyping Lab, Ceramics Studio, Leather Accessory Studio, Virtual Reality (VR) Lab!

You will work in teams with students from OCAD U (Canada). Prof. Nithikul Nimkulrat and dr. Kristi Kuusk together with workshop Masters will coach the teams through intensive two weeks of knowledge creation and exchange.

To join us, send a portfolio of 3-5 relevant works and a 150-300 words motivation letter to Package all submission material in one PDF, no larger than 30mb in size. Please use the naming format: LastName_FirstName_EKA_OCAD_ Residency.paf